Connect4Friendship is Friendship Circle of Atlanta's annual fundraiser...re-imagined! In accordance with the CDC our annual Walk4Friendship has been cancelled, but that wont stop us from spreading the word of inclusion and raising crucial funds to end social isolation for individuals with special needs. Please join us for Connect4Friendship on May 17. Connect4Friendship will work in much the same way as the walk does. Participants will register to connect with another on May 17th in 1 of 8 ways (that is in line with social distancing), and will create a fundraising page to get people to donate towards their connection. Once you have chosen your connection and set up your fundraising page you will send it to all your friends and family, post on facebook and insta and together, you will reach your goal! Once you have gotten your fundraising kicked off, now's the time to build your team. Recruit as many people as you can to also register to complete an act of connection as part of Connect4Friendship.
If you are unable to fund raise there is still the option of just being a "connector" to help spread light and joy!
A few days before Connect4friendship you will be able to pick up your FREE connect t-shirt to be worn while "connecting" May 17 is Connection Day - this is the day you complete the connection you registered for. You will take a selfie pic or video of you “connecting” and upload it to a live feed on facebook that we will provide. In this way a continuous stream of positivity will light up the world!
It’s time to show Corona that it has nothing on humanity!! Together we will beat this and come out stronger than ever. We will not let social distancing make us socially distant. Through this campaign and fundraiser YOU can help raise the funds needed for Friendship Circle to end social isolation for individuals with special needs!